Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Yarn-Along: Olympic Knitting. And (not much) Work in Progress

 Linking up today to the Yarn-Along over at Ginny's blog.  This is my Olympic knitting project.  I am making the yoke of a Drops cardigan.  Then when that's done (which it looks like will be before the Olympics are over at this rate) I will pick up the provisional cast-on at the chest and work the rest of the sweater downwards from there.  It makes sense to me, kind of.  I'll let you know how it progresses.  It feels really good to be working on something that's not socks.  I'm kind of suffering from sock burnout.  I'm reading Tom Clancy's last novel, Command Authority, which is as much of a page-turner as any of his other books.  Kind of ironic reading it during the Olympics, as the corruption and greed for power of a fictionalized Russian government is the theme and the setting of some of the most intense action is not too far from Sochi.  I might get around to doing a book review of it soon.
In quilting, my WIPs have slowed to a crawl.  This is how I left the last row of Celtic Solstice a couple of weeks ago.  I'm so close, but I've been concentrating on knitting and reading more.  I really have only this row to be joined and added to the body, then the borders to piece.  The more daunting task will be cleaning up my sewing area, which is trashed.  Seriously, I've been avoiding it.  Not even the need to iron clothes is enough to entice me back there.  What, ironing doesn't entice anyone?  Well, no wonder it hasn't worked for me either!


1 Becca said...

I love seeing everyone's Celtic Solstice. I keep thinking I should give it a try, even if I just do some random scrappy business. Looking good!

2 EMMA said...

Your color work is beautiful - although the pattern sounds a bit complicated for me - I can't master the provisional cast-on!
Love your quilting (I can't master that either!!)

3 Lynn said...

Really enjoy seeing the Celtic Solstice (and like the name a lot too!). I hope to try one day and do something similar with bali fabrics. Bit by bit you get there!