Monday, December 5, 2016

En Provence - In Search of Magenta

Today there is a linkup party going on at Quiltville for the En Provence mystery quilt. Be sure to check other entries out too!
I now have all the 4-patches finished from the first clue. As I went on, I tended to include only one or two patches in each 4-patch that were "outliers" and a little more noticeable than a typical neutral, and I think that will help them blend a little better. But also, my definition of "typical neutral" changed and broadened. I think these 4-patches will probably play nicely in the big quilt. Even the Halloween and 3 Little Pigs fabrics.
I have all the neutral triangles cut for clue 2, and some of the magenta. Or is it hot pink? I am requiring myself not to buy new fabric for this mystery, and I don't have enough of any one fabric, so I am going scrappy in a limited way instead of the recommended constant. I plan to use 5 fabrics that I tend to think of as "hot pink" but they are pretty close to what Bonnie calls magenta. I googled the difference between magenta and hot pink, and I'm not sure if I'm any the wiser. In fact, now I have to worry about fuchsia too! The fabric on top of the above photo is closer to what I think of as magenta, but I was counting it as red-violet and saving it for maybe use with the purples later on. As you can see, I'm a person who likes variety. I used to be a person who couldn't make up my mind, so when there's an opportunity, I now like to include a little of everything. And so I make scrappy quilts!
Here are some of my finished units. I plan on having units in multiples of 4 for each color, in case they are used in a star block like this, but the background neutrals will be scrappy. It reminds me a little of my Happy Stars quilt from five years back, probably because I used some of those fabrics against a neutral background. But I'm looking forward to getting into the purples and greens and seeing how they come together. It will have a very different feel with those colors added.


1 Unknown said...

Very nice. Love your fabrics.

2 Vireya said...

They are looking good! Making them in matching sets of 4 is probably a good idea, given that Bonnie described the magenta as a "resting place" for your eyes.

3 Pamelyn's Postings said...

Your hot pink/magenta plan is looking good! I did the same thing - picked three magentas and made them in batches of 30, with 10 more in the one that I had the most of. Looks cool in the star layout!