Wednesday, December 21, 2016

En Provence progress

En Provence Mystery link-up is here.  I stayed up late Monday and finished all the units, and then I took pictures of them yesterday to post but got distracted with Christmas stuff, a brief internet outage, and our family trip to see Rogue One.
So I am all caught up with the mystery quilt and I should spend any spare time I have putting the borders on Allietare. But I am dubious because there is more Christmas work to be done, including all the wrapping. And about 7 more rounds of knitting to finish.
When Grandma came over Sunday she brought the quilt top she finished last week with the fabric she picked out recently. She had the center pieced but needed more fabric for the borders, and I think it's really cute. I tried to get a picture of Daniel, home for Christmas and kindly holding the quilt for the picture, but it came out too blurry.
I haven't blogged since last week... and we had a 2-day school-closing snowstorm, rare for this area. I feel for poor Smudge, but he is certainly well-fed, so don't let his pathetic meowing fool you. I suspect he makes rounds in the neighborhood and picks up extra food that way.
North and South, on our street.

And Smudge again, telling me I should give him more food.


1 Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Love the way you have your En Provence blocks laid out!

Anonymous said...

Love your fabrics. The snow looks very pretty as we swelter through summer here in Australia.

3 Kath said...

Thanks for posting a comment to my blog.....I couldn't be bothered to try to photoshop my pictures to show a more accurate purple. Yours do look good. I missed the previous mystery quilt, but seeing pictures posted finished ones mow posted made me join 'En Provence'. Just hope I will like the finished quilt after all the effort (and expense!) Material here in the UK is so expensive.