Monday, July 30, 2012

Finished Log Cabin UFO; Stash Reports

Here's what's on my design wall / clothesline: Log Cabin Quilt Top, blocks circa 2004.  My July UFO is now a FO!  I had it seamed into a 48" square, and then Saturday I decided to add an extra row at the top and bottom.  I did have to use some of the blocks I mistakenly made with larger red centers, but it's really not noticeable  So now the quilt top is 48"x60", just about right for a lap quilt.  I usually make bigger, bed-sized quilts, but I just did not have the willpower to piece more.  So now it joins the queue waiting for machine quilting.  I love the huge variety of scraps in it.

We discovered a surprise in that overgrown rhododendron bush in the background a few weeks ago:
Very vigilant robin parents with three younglings.  The nest is empty when we check now, though.  They must be off enjoying their summer.

Stash report:

Fabric used this week: 3.5 yards for log cabin top
Fabric used year to date: 53.5 yards
Added this week: 0 yards
Added year to date: 28 yards
Net used for 2012: 25.5 yards

Yarn used this week: 1000 yards (estimate) from Lady MacBeth shawl
Yarn used year to date: 4406 yards
Yarn added this week: 0 yards
Yarn added year to date: 3503 yards (all handspun, not purchased)
Net used for 2012: 903 yards (whew, in positive numbers again after the Tour de Fleece!)

I'm enjoying keeping track of my stash used.  My goal is to not buy any yarn at all this year, but I am allowed to spin new.  I shouldn't buy spinning fiber until after I've used up what I have, either.  Doing pretty well there.  On fabric, I'm buying what is necessary to finish projects but not trying to enhance my stash.  I seem to collect lots of scraps from sewing friends and family members too, which I love.  When I finish a scrappy quilt top that is densely pieced I multiply the dimensions in inches to get the square inches, and then multiply by 2 because of all the seam allowances.  Then I divide by 1584, which is the number of square inches in a standard yard of fabric.  I don't multiply by 2 for less densely pieced quilts, maybe 1.5 depending on what kind of piecing is in it.  And of course, these are all just estimates.  But the progress in using up stash this year has been encouraging!


1 scraphappy said...

Congratulations on finishing your UFO! It looks great.

2 Cathy Tomm said...

I am a big fan of Log cabins quilt. the blue and red centres are so classic looking. Added to the pile of quilts that need quilting, I also have a big stack to be quilted.

3 Linda at LRDesignsQuilting said...

Love the scrappy look!!!

4 Dar said...

Love your scrap log cabin. I too like scrap quilts and get lots of others' discarded pieces. I will have to copy down your method for estimating how you figure the amount used. I've been using my fabric calculator to estimate the yardage used for a top a certain size.

5 Quilter Kathy said...

Great scrappy it!

6 Jo said...

Log Cabins are a favorite of mine. I love yours.

7 Sarah said...

I love Log Cabin quilts! Congrats on finishing up another UFO.