Monday, October 7, 2013

Crossing the Rubicon

It has been loaded onto the Megaquilter frame, taunting me, for more than a month now.  The Farmer's Wife Quilt.
Maybe you remember this picture, from May of 2012 I think.  It has been waiting for quilting action for a pretty long time.
The thing is, I'm not really that great at free-motion quilting.  I have enough perfectionism that I put off starting because I know it won't be perfect and I'll be frustrated.  But I bit the bullet today.  I only had to pick out about 15 feathers.  Feathers are supposed to be organic, anyway, right?  And finished is better than perfect.
I do like machine quilting, but mine will never be professional quality.  I know I'll never win blue ribbons at the fair.  I'm just going to have fun and quilt each block the way I want it, and accept the wonky bits.  I'll have to reposition it to quilt the other borders anyway.  I envision a continuous feather border around the whole thing, and then little feathers in all the white triangles, and leafy fines in the sashing strips.  If I do a bit every day, it will get done.  The hardest part was starting.

I'll link this up to Design Wall Monday since my design wall is pretty static at the moment.  I usually post my stash report this time too but there are no changes in that either.


1 Frances Meredith said...

Well done on taking the step forward. It will be wonderful when it is done.

2 Sew and Sow Farm said...

Kathy! I love your Farmers Wife Quilt. It is gorgeous. And never say never. You might just win a Blue Ribbon!
xo jan@sewandsowfarm