Saturday, December 17, 2011

SewMamaSew giveaway day winners!

"Here I come to save the day!"  I had no idea there were so many Mighty Mouse fans out there!  That fabric really grabbed a lot of attention!

Congratulations to Paskiaq, chosen by the Random Number Generator for her comment #45 on my giveaway post (and it couldn't have chosen a sweeter comment):
I am making an i-spy quilt for my 16 month old. I love him more than I could have ever thought possible. He is definitely unique. He turns down cookies and candies but eats fruit like there's no tomorrow. He loves music and always bops his little little body along to the beat no matter type of music or where we are. He prefers to blow kisses rather than saying bye. The best is when he's tired and he walks around like he is drunk and giggles at nothing. :) 
I have a packet of 5" charm squares, the charm quilts book, and a few other little goodies to send off to you.  I'm going to a wedding tomorrow, so it will probably be Monday or Tuesday when I get these packages posted.

Packages plural... because I made extra charm packs!  I said I would keep cutting until I had at least 50 different squares, and there are at least that many (I think closer to 60).  I decided to choose the comments myself, rather than randomly, for the other winners.  I'm sentimental about many of these fabrics, because they came from those early days when my boys were little and I sewed them little shorts and bought novelty fabric for their quilts.  So I really think their highest purpose would be to make I-Spy quilts, and I'd love to spread them around to some other moms who would do just that.  The other charm packs (and a few other odds and ends like buttons and "vintage" quilt magazines) will go to:

pianomama who said,
So cute! I'd make a quilt for my 3yo son who is the "caboose" of six kiddos. I've made quilts for all his big brothers and sisters - but haven't gotten one done for him yet. Bad momma:-)
I understand all about that mommy guilt, and these 5" squares make for quick and easy piecing.

Cricket who said,
I would totally use those for an I spy type quilt for my daughters. But the thing is - my 4 year old is sitting next to me and when she saw the picture she *gasped* and said "mommy! That's my diaper!" Sure enough, the cloth diaper I bought special for her to come home from the hospital in (which matched her black velvet overalls and res handknit hat and booties)was made of that skull fabric in the front. I have never seen it in a store or anything, and I know she would love a quilt with a little bit of that in there!

Thanks for offering such a great giveaway. I just love little bits and bobs and scraps. They're my favorite.  
How could I possibly resist the image of a little girl getting sentimental over pirate skull fabric (with matching black velvet, no less!)

and Kristy, who said,
I have 5 children, and have been planning an "eye-spy" type quilt for them for months as my first attempt at quilting. These fun squares would be a perfect addition to my growing stack! Thanks for the chance!
Go for it, Kristy!  Quilting is a wonderful hobby to enrich your and your kids' lives, and I hope you come to love it as much as I do.

So, I'll look forward to hearing from the four of you.  Thanks to everyone who commented on my giveaway post; I read every single one and wish I had 110 charm packs to give out.  And thanks to SewMamaSew for hosting giveaway day!

1 comment:

1 Paskiaq said...

That was so generous of your to give away all those extras! Sorry I didn't get back to you right away but I hope you got my email from a couple of days ago (when I got back from a family vacation) :)