Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Orca Bay Mystery 4

Whew, what an absolutely crazy week!  This is about as far as I've gotten with clue 4 of the Orca Bay Mystery, with all the extra Christmas cookie making, shopping, substitute teaching and school programs I've signed up for this week.  And of course in all of that comes the Sew Mama Sew giveaway event, which I'm participating in this time (see last entry) and which is more addictive than dark chocolate.

But I'm getting to use my reds.  I had to cut strips of all of them first, and there's a big basket ready to go by my sewing machine whenever I do get time to sew some more.  I figured out that my Fons and Porter flying geese triangle ruler is equivalent to the rulers Bonnie recommends, and has the same measurements we need for this clue.  I put together the red triangles with a few of the patches from all the other clues just to see how the colors play together.  Good, I think.  I really like the creative color combos some of the other participants have come up with, but wasn't courageous enough to try them this time.

It's late and I have a full day again tomorrow.  Any further blogging adventures will have to go on hold for a little longer.  I'll maybe catch up with clue 4 and 5 next week when school is out!


1 Kathy's A Quilter said...

what a great treat to look forward to next week...time in your studio. In the meantime...enjoy the process. Love those rich reds

2 Unknown said...

Your blocks are looking great. What pleasure you will have when you finally get time to just sit and sew!

3 carolyn berroeta said...

Like you, I am going along with Bonnie's colors, and loving it. Still have no idea what it is going to look like, isn't it fun ?

4 Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Oh my they all look so beautiful together. The reds are such a great addition. I too am following Bonnie's suggested colors.

5 Helen in the UK said...

At least you have a little of everything to play with! Hope you enjoy the extra time to play when school is out :)

6 heather said...

They look great!