Wednesday, December 6, 2017

On Ringo Lake - Part 2 Link-up

On Ringo Lake mystery quilt continues, with a Link-up over at Quiltville. This week it's all about the geese, in sunrise colors. What is the difference between coral and melon, anyway? I think coral is an orangish pink, and melon is a pinkish orange, but I could be wrong about that. Add in salmon and I'm really confused... but I love peach. I just pulled down the pink and orange fabric bins and found at least 36 different fabrics. I even pulled some from the Connecting Threads "Whirlwind Romance" collection I have in the "blush" colorway. I stayed away from bright orange (that was Celtic Solstice) and magenta/fuchsia pink (that was my quandary last year with En Provence!) but I did include some fabrics from the 80's and 90's that one could probably call "mauve." Remember mauve? It was such a hot color, back in the day! Used as a neutral, just about everywhere. I miss my oversized mauve sweater!

Once again I made a collage of some of my process pictures this week. Okay, that's the sunrise this morning on top, but we are working with sunrise colors. And on the bottom are two pictures from Tertia's choir concert last night, before I gave up on getting her paying attention. On top left is when I was cutting the geese, and I noticed that my blueberry kombucha was in the color range I was working with. Bonnie used this one in her collage for the link-up -- I'm honored!

In the middle is my silliness for the week. I grew up in Ohio and the OSU marching band still does "Script Ohio" every game, with the tuba dotting the i at the last minute. It's one of my earliest childhood memories, and so when I saw a video of it shared on Facebook, I ended up playing with my geese and taking a panorama photo instead of finishing all the geese. I still have about 20% of them to go. I'm enjoying the process a lot. It is so much fun to push the variety of fabrics. I could probably make another quilt in a different colorway, and still not make a big dent in my stash. I was thinking about the big trees silhouetted against the sunrise here in the Northwest, and maybe dark green would look great with the sunrise colors. Anyway, I still need to finish this week's clue. Thanks to all who stop by.

1 comment:

1 Marcy said...

Color is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. Peach, salmon, apricot are all edible. Thanks for a few great laughs. Ohio geese are a kick.