Thursday, November 30, 2017

Two Finished Quilts! And other quilty updates

I haven't been blogging much in the past few months, but I have been quilting. There has been an attempt to revive the quilting group that meets at my church, but we're not sure if that will take quite yet. Still, I demonstrated a basic, Snowball 9-Patch quilt pattern that is very user-friendly. Daniel needed a quilt for his full-size mattress that he has now, so I dug into my scraps and came up with this; pieced in a week or two, quilted in a few days:

The longer I stay in this quilting hobby, the scrappier my quilts get. The weather cooperated for quilt photography outside today, but it was starting to sprinkle by the time I was done. This will need to be boxed up and mailed to Daniel soon.

 This is Allietare! The mystery quilt from two years ago, and probably my favorite of all the ones I've done so far. It felt wonderful to get this one quilted. I used the same squiggle-loop-star overall pattern that I've settled on as the easiest for me to use on the Megaquilter.
 I really like that scalloped border and binding!
 This is a queen-sized quilt, so will probably eventually end up on our bed.

Celtic Solstice, a mystery quilt from even farther back, maybe 2013, is on the Megaquilter now. I'm having a few issues with bumpiness on the carriage rails; I think the plastic tracks are abrading and need to be replaced. I'm doing a wavy border and outline quilting on the wild geese, and then squiggle-loop-star in the central area. After this, I still have at least 4 tops to quilt, 2 of them Quiltville mysteries! I'm going to do my best to crank them out.
 Here is my design wall with my Frugal Patch color study. I can't remember whether I blogged about this much, but it's a project I have had in mind for 10 years. I spent a lot of time several months ago cutting jillions of rectangles for the "paths" of colorwash, and the squares for the diamond "pavement" squares. My basic idea is to fade in rainbow order along the paths, light and dark, with the diamonds being a complementary color to the paths, although there will be a few surprises. And the background of the diamonds will be neutrals from white through beige through gray/brown/navy/black.
 I did a lot of fussy rearranging of the dark blues in the sample block, and decided I needed to just piece them into pairs and arrange from there. Hopefully that will make it easier.
Here are several of my warm-color diamond patches. I'm really curious to see how this will turn out. Sometime soon I need to decide what size and how many blocks to make for the quilt.

1 comment:

1 garnet said...

Always enjoy seeing your quilts roll off the mega quilter. Wish I had one. I have 2 tops waiting. But no need for quilts in the Valley of the Sun. :)