Monday, November 27, 2017

On Ringo Lake Mystery Quilt... Part 1 Link-up

Well, it's that time of year once again. I've been busy, really, I just haven't been blogging much... for months. But when Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt rolls around every Thanksgiving, I always bite. This year it's in some really pretty colors, and I allowed myself to buy some new fabric to go with my large amount of scraps from 80's, 90's and 00's.

Check out the first link-up for this quilt: On Ringo Lake Part 1 and you can see what other people are doing.

I seriously love the Mystery Quilt every year. And I have been doing it since Orca Bay, which was 2011, so this will be the seventh one. Three of them have been quilted and finished, and one is on the frame, in progress. Since I last blogged, I've made some progress on the major backlog of quilt tops I have,  but there is still a long way to go. Still, I'm pleased with overall progress on other quilting projects and will post pictures when I can.
Clue 1 was all about these cute little 9-patches, and I really tried to keep the 1/4" seam as accurate as possible. I was mostly successful, and it's a good lesson learned, to take it somewhat slowly. Even taking my time, I finished Saturday. That's after puttering around Friday, buying a little fabric to add to my already very well-endowed scrap stash.
 My personal philosophy of quiltmaking is also a good match for these quilts, because the scrappier they are, the better they look. I took at least as much time cutting down strips to short-ish lengths so that I could get the most variety of fabrics possible in my strip sets.
I made a collage of the fabrics I used in Clue 1: the sunrise was just gorgeous when I was walking Tertia to school a few weeks ago, and it's reminiscent of the corals and deep browns, so I think it belongs in there too. In the center of the photo you can see Mt. Hood outlined in gold. The fabrics at the top left are new; I visited Just For Fun Quilting for the first time and that's what I came home with. Other photos are of my pre-cut strips, and some of my boxes of fat quarters that may be called into service. I have not bought significant new fabrics for a few years, and I have a lot of older fabrics.

Now what shall I do while I'm waiting for the next clue on Friday? I should really clean and organize, and do some quilting on the one in the frame, and get my crafty life in order. Fun times!


1 Lisa in Port Hope said...

All your scraps will play together nicely in this quilt!

2 WiltedQuilter said...

Your scraps are very interesting. I've only been doing this a few years and I don't have much of a stash yet.