Tuesday, December 12, 2017

On Ringo Lake - Part 3 Link-up

On Ringo Lake is on clue #3, and here is a collage of what I've been working on since that clue came out Friday. You can find many more at the link-up at Quiltville. I've been taking more sunrise pictures as I walk Tertia to school in the cold mornings, because we've been working with sunrise colors. And there really aren't any ugly sunrise colors! My camera is not really capable of picking up all the reds, pinks and oranges, unfortunately. Sunrise in these northern latitudes was 7:43 this morning, and the temperature was 24. Brr! And sunset will be at 4:26.  But the tradeoff with the cold temps is that we are having nice clear weather and no rain.
 So the clue is to make umpty-hundred of these mirror-image parallelograms, but first you have to cut umpty rectangles and 2(umpty) triangles (or squares that will be trimmed down).
 I haven't really been cleaning up my area as I go, but after I cut I did have to roll up my strips and squeeze them back into their bin. There is not a lot of room to work on my cutting or sewing surface. I need to work on taming the mess... but it's not terribly realistic right now!
 I thought at first I'd need to buy the "easy folded corners ruler" if I didn't want to use squares instead of triangles and waste more fabric. But it turns out my Fons and Porter flying geese ruler, which I also used for the last clue, can also be used to trim the coral rectangles down. It worked quite well and gives the final measurement that you need in the clue.
 Here are some of my pieces in process. I used an even wider variety of corals, pinks, peaches and some oranges than I did in last week's clue. Like I say, there are no ugly sunrise colors!
 These long strings of units are what you get when you do a bunch of one-way slanting parallelograms at the same time. Kind of looks like strands of DNA. And my arrangement of them with previous clues kind of looks like a space invader:
It's a lengthy process. I'm still at about half-umpty, but I only have about .25 umpty rectangles to trim. And I like the process, the variety, everything. At least 80% of my fabrics are from my stash, not the ones purchased for this mystery, and I think the average vintage of my stash is about 2001. Some fabrics are much older

1 comment:

1 Alison V. said...

Your units are looking great! I hope you get to umpty units soon!