Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WIP Wednesday #4 - Quest for the Holy Grail

This will be my fourth time linking up to Freshly Pieced, which is kind of a quilter's block party.  Since we just recently returned from the Great American Road Trip, there hasn't been too much sewing going on yet.  But I do have three Famer's Wife Quilt blocks to share, one of which I made this week.
Continuing in alphabetical order, we have Box.  It's a simple 9-patch, so each of the individual squares finishes to 2".  The HST's were cut 2 7/8", and the one square was cut 2 1/2".  That's a wacky vintage gray print I used - pretty sure it's not 100% cotton.
This is Broken Dishes, but I think of it as Grandma's Broken Dishes because those were her colors.  The check is some of her fabric, I think, and the flower pattern is from one of my mom's aprons.  This was another one where I drew a grid of 2 3/8" squares to make the HST's.
And the one I made this week: Broken Sugar Bowl.  This is another 9-patch pattern, very similar to Jacob's Ladder.  I used one of my Grandma's old aprons for the sugar bowl fabric.
She must have loved that apron a lot, because it was mended very carefully in several places.  Look how she first sewed a bigger patch on the back, then reverse appliqued the edges of the hole.  And she even matched the pattern a little bit.
Here's what it looked like on the back -- the patch was machine hemmed, but hand sewn on.  It is a really pretty vintage print, but there aren't many usable bits of fabric left unfortunately.  There's even a little bit of fraying on one of the triangles in the sugar bowl that I didn't notice until the block was together.

Now, the Holy Grail for me has nothing to do with quilting; what I'm really in search of is a clean, healthy, well-organized house (with kind, well-behaved, respectful kids, of course).  Not that you'd know it from looking at it or anything.  So when we came back from vacation, I realized that company's coming in less than a week and summer vacation is FLYING by, so I would need to act fast to get the house in even semi-acceptable order before All Hope Is Lost.  The way things go during the school year, I don't do much cleaning.  And of course, summer vacation is supposed to be for fun, right? Well, sometimes I get the nesting impulse and cleaning is actually fun.  A little bit.  A very little bit, and only when you pick a tiny corner of the house where no one else ever goes that you know will stay clean for a day or two.  Like the basement.
I'm always intrigued by little racks and storage things for organizing your house.  But just locating the hammer and 2 nails for hanging this rack was an ordeal.  And yes, those are canning jar lids tacked up onto the wood - I'm not exactly sure why, somebody once said it was so that mice couldn't get through the knotholes.  There are a lot of them, especially on stairs.
Our basement is a scary place.  Here's the site of my unfortunate accident at the beginning of the summer.  That's after I vacuumed up vast quantities of spidery cobwebs from the rafters and swept up the loose dirt and rocks a bit.  Yes, about 10% of our basement walls are bare earth, and that is probably a bit of groundwater seeping up in the corner there and turning the earth damp.  I've been concentrating on cleaning the storage alcove - we call it the "coal cellar" although really the old furnace burned sawdust.  The last time it flooded we lost the particle-board shelving unit along the far wall and I recently bought a metal rack to replace it.  So that's been put together and I'm slowly organizing stuff in there.  I'm spraying the walls with a bleach-water solution to help with the mildewy smell.  But what I really need to do is to clean the parts of the house that will be used by the 19 people that are coming for our family reunion next week - especially the guest room and dining room.  Are they going to care about the coal cellar?  Probably not.  But I actually have a chance of cleaning the whole coal cellar, and there's not a chance in the world of getting the dining room neat before they get here.

1 comment:

1 Lee said...

Your Farmer's Wife blocks are lovely! How wonderful that you're using scraps from your grandma and mom's clothes. And good luck with your cleaning and organizing, that's the ultimate WIP. : ) Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday!