Wednesday, October 22, 2014

WIP Wednesday at Long Last

It has been so long since I posted a WIP Wednesday link-up, I had almost forgotten about most of my quilt projects.  A busy summer, an even busier start to the school year... well, I have been getting back to some of my quilt habits just to stay sane.  Not much knitting has been getting done; that seems to be the tradeoff.
 I have been working on my variation of a Bonnie Hunter pattern, the Santa Fe String Star quilt.  I have made enough diamonds to begin piecing the larger diamonds one row at a time.  I'm working very carefully and trying not to tug at those bias seams too much.  So far I'm partway through the third of the five rows.
 When I'm done I'll have eight diamonds to make the big central medallion star.  And then I'll have to figure out how to set it... I already know I don't want to do flying geese.
Here are the extra diamonds for the last two rows: I still have some more to make, but I'm making them at the same time as I'm seaming the rows together so it's progressing nicely.  I'm thinking about making smaller stars for the setting, to break up the large stretches of what will probably be gray background fabric.  I'm getting excited about it!
 I haven't shared these two quilts that my Mother-in-Law had me pin for her.
I especially like this one... so cheerful.


1 Jane said...

They're all great, but I really love your diamond blocks!

2 Katharine Yates said...

I love the diamond blocks! The colors are so pretty. I'd love to see how it comes together!

3 Unknown said...

Love the colors and the diamonds! That will be a gorgeous quilt!

4 Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

Love those rainbow-y diamonds! They remind me of an EPP piece I did earlier this year that was inspired by the Sochi Olympic diamonds... can't wait to see how you put it together!

5 DaisyLiz said...

OH, those string star blocks make me swoon. They're gorgeous!

6 Kat said...

That string star looks like it is going to be amazing! I love the colors!