Wednesday, March 5, 2014

WIP Wednesday, Mini Yarn-Along, and March Goals

 Well, it's Wednesday again.  It's pouring down rain outside, I am trying for the Guinness Record for World's Longest-Lasting Cold (not really) and my craft achievements in 2014 are as abysmal as the weather and the leaky basement.  I don't think I knit a single stitch this last week.  But I did make this miniature broom out of some handspun flax yarn from years back.  You see, Tertia is in her school's production of Snow White, as the castle maid.  And cast members are supposed to dress up the stuffed apple with items that exemplify their character.  I think the broom is rather cute.  And it's all the work I've done with yarn this week.  The napkin is for size reference.
 There it is, stitched onto the apple.  I really do want to pick up my knitting again but there's this math that I'm balking at, a bit.
I have at length assembled enough string-pieced diamonds to consider sewing them into strips for the String Star quilt.  Not much sewing has happened this last week, either.  But it surely will change!

I have been reading - currently, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie.  And Carthage Must Be Destroyed , in the non-fiction category.

I hesitate to report my progress on February's crafting goals.  The only thing I made any progress on at all was my Olympic sweater - I did finish the goal I set for myself there, by finishing the yoke only.  The other 3 goals were ignored.
(This is the math that I'm balking at - I have to calculate how many stitches for each section and continue from the yoke downward).

So, time to set some new goals in the "get it done" challenge, which I will probably ignore in March as well:

  1. Random UFO goal: #4, the Scrappy Trip Around the World., 
  2. Farmer's Wife Quilt machine quilting ... to the 3/4 point of the main top.
  3. Knitting - Either continue the sweater above to the halfway point, or finish the argyles.
  4. String Star - time to make some progress on this.
Bonus points if I finish the sewing room cleanup that needs to be done, or shift focus and make significant progress on any of my other projects.  At this point, I just need to make a little progress on something more than a miniature broom.


1 RaspberrySunshine said...

For being a mom of 4, a teacher and a crafter you have your hands full! You may be working on many projects, but at least they are being worked on :) Looks good to me! I just taught myself how to knit and am no where near your level yet. Maybe someday


2 RaspberrySunshine said...

For being a mom of 4, a teacher and a crafter you have your hands full! You may be working on many projects, but at least they are being worked on :) Looks good to me! I just taught myself how to knit and am no where near your level yet. Maybe someday


3 Ginx Craft said...

Love the yoke of your sweater. Looks like you have done the hard part.

Anonymous said...

Considering all you have to do, and that you have a cold, I think you're doing fine, and if the goals wait another month, so be it. Judy doesn't seem to be doing the get it done linky this year, so I started a Press On linky. There are still 3 days to add a link, if you want to. Press On