Monday, March 17, 2014

Design Wall Monday

 My mother-in-law brought this quilt over yesterday for me to pin.  She says she enjoyed piecing it so much, she plans to do another, larger one.  I guess that's the measure of a successful quilt pattern!
This last week I finally got a chance to sew together the pieced borders for Celtic Solstice.  I'm thinking of a yellow fabric for the spacer borders.  I was hoping to have this together by now but not quite.  (Wouldn't it be nice to finish Celtic Solstice on St. Patrick's Day?  Oh well.)  Also, I started piecing the diamonds into strips for my rainbow String Star.  I still have plenty of string units to piece for that one too.  So, still no finished stash to report.

I went to knit night at Starbucks tonight (just got back) and finally divided for the sleeves on my yoked sweater.  I had some math challenges with working out the number of stitches for the pattern for awhile but I think I have reached the point where I know how to knit it from here.


Anonymous said...

Knit Night at Starbucks - I don't knit, but I like the way that sounds, on several levels. I like your mother's quilt. It's great to find a pattern you'd like to make twice! Love the bit of your rainbow string star that I can see, too. It's going to be beautiful!

2 Key Elements said...

I too am trying to finish the Celtic Solstice but it keeps getting put back on the list. I love your MIL's sprockets - the colors are great. See you have lots of projects going on - is' t is fun. Nice blog!