Friday, March 2, 2012

Aunt Maggie's Quilt Finished

"Beautiful like a castle!" was Tertia's description of our new stair rail, finished yesterday.  And what better way to showcase it than a (nearly) finished quilt?
Aunt Maggie's Patchwork Quilt, a pattern by Lori Smith.  Mine was a block-of-the-month kit from The Primitive Thimble, a local quilt shop that is sadly no longer in existence.
I finished the squiggle/loop/star quilting 2 days ago but it's been a crazy week, too busy to take pictures until now.
Plus, in the middle of all the construction I came down with a nasty sore throat cold.  I literally just got over one of these that lasted a month.
You can see the quilting stitches better against the backing fabric.  I used Warm & Natural batting, so it's a little heavier quilt than I usually get when I use Hobbs Heirloom.
It's 68" x 86".  I applied a binding and hanging sleeve yesterday but haven't yet begun the process of hand-stitching them to the back.  Still, I'm counting it as a finished February UFO for the purposes of Judy L.'s UFO challenge at Patchwork Times.  And a Friday Finish for Crazy Mom Quilts
I really like this quilt.  There are only a few small puckers and bunches in the quilting, which turned out nice and even by my standards anyway.  But I'm considering selling it if I can... I'd like to start to do a little to help with Primigenitus' college tuition.  So if any of you have feedback for me, whether on pricing or how to market it, let me know in a comment.  I'm totally new at this aspect of quilting.  I know I'll be watching the auction quilts I made for Cedar Tree to see how they do, and maybe trying to make some contacts there.


1 Kati from Kati's Quilting said...

It's a really neat looking quilt! I love the squares on point for the sashing between the blocks. Great work! It looks really cozy :)

2 Quilter Kathy said...

It's a beautiful quilt! Congrats on the finish!

3 Jo said...

Beautiful quilt, love the setting. Nice job

4 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a beautiful quilt and staircase!

5 Unknown said...

Lovely job! You should feel very accomplished! Love the blocks and the fabrics. :)

6 Love Of Quilts said...

Love the quilt!

7 Jennifer said...

love. it.