Monday, February 13, 2012

Farmer's Wife Blocks on the design wall

I took the time over the weekend to lay out the 91 Farmer's Wife Quilt blocks I have made on my design wall.  I preserved the strict alphabetical order they are in so there are places where I will obviously want to spread out certain color concentrations, but I'm happy with the overall mix of scraps.  I do need a little more purple and bright yellow or gold.  I only have 20 more blocks to make to have enough for a queen-sized quilt.  All of my blocks are made from my stash, and I've challenged myself to use something from a thrift store, or vintage fabric, or repurposed clothing or scraps from other sewing, in every single block.  It has been surprisingly easy to do this... I have a lot of scraps!
I'm thinking I'll probably need to get a solid medium blue for the sashing, and maybe white or off-white for setting triangles and cornerstones.  This is the last time I'll be able to fit all the blocks on the design wall before the final layout.  I have so much enjoyed working through this book and figuring out how to piece all the little 6" blocks.  I've even figured out how to make my long-dormant Flickr account work, sort of... although I'm not putting every picture on there.  I'll link this post up to Judy L.'s Design Wall Monday and Sew Darn Crafty

Time to update the fabric and yarn consumption stats for the week, too:

Stash Report

Fabric used this week: 8.9 yards (Orca bay top finished and pieced backing for sports quilt)
Fabric used year to date: 16.3 yards
Added this week: 0 yards
Added year to date: 0 yards

Net used for 2012: 16.3 yards

Yarn used this week: 0 yards
Yarn used year to date: 864 yards
Yarn added this week: 0 yards
Yarn added year to date: 492 yards (all handspun, not purchased)
Net used for 2012: 372 yards


1 AnnieO said...

Beautiful! Love that you were thrifty like a Farmer's Wife and practiced "make do" quilting. Good idea to get them all up on the wall to see what colors you want more of. I like the idea of the blue sashing too. Congrats!

2 Vicki H. said...

So gorgeous! I am about halfway and very discouraged. The blocks that have y seams are NOT working at all- like garden path. I am doing a quilt using what I have too. Looks great, I could use any tips on those tricky little blocks.

3 Jane said...

Beautiful, and such an accomplishment!

4 kwiltnkats said...

Wonderful project that you are oh so close to completing. The blue sounds right from what I can see too. Strict alphabetical order? Does that mean you'll redo blocks because it needs to have a better distribution of color? Maybe you can swap some with Vicki WINK! Sandi

5 Jackie said...

Your blocks look great, what a wonderful variety!
And you're ahead of me, I have 89 made.

6 Barb in Mi said...

Love your blocks - just beautiful!

7 Cathy said...

It is looking just great!!!

8 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful blocks and how neat that they are all made from your stash!
Quilting by the River

9 Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

This is really cute :) :) I love quilts and anything that says "vintage", too. Is this, by any chance, from the quilt book of the same name? Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

10 Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

I found your blog via the Homestead Barn Hop earlier this week. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)