Wednesday, November 23, 2011

WIP Wednesday: Pre-Thanksgiving edition

This WIP Wednesday, my two lovely assistants are helping to display my finished top for the Happy Quilting STARS quilt-along.  Which was put together except for the borders weeks ago.  Now I need to get it onto the frame and quilt it.  I think it will be another quilt to donate to the Cedar Tree auction, like the Crumb-Along quilt.

Final dimensions on this are about 61"x 85".  Should be good for a twin bed.  Definitely a girl's quilt!

Other WIPs this week: I finished the Crumb-Along top, as mentioned above; I did 5 more Farmer's Wife blocks, I cleaned my sewing area a little, and now I have it messy again thinking about jumping into the Orca Bay mystery with Bonnie Hunter.  That's an awful lot of cutting and sewing, and I need to get some of these tops quilted, so we'll have to see.  But it looks very fun and scrappy, if you can manage all those tiny triangles.

Right now, I'm more concerned with WIPs in the "food for Thanksgiving" medium.
Pies: 1 apple, 1 blueberry, 2 pumpkin and 1 pumpkin custard.  1 bird, presumably defrosted, 18 pounds; a triple batch of cranberry sauce.  Still to do tonight: saute celery and onions for stuffing, put my feet up and knit for a few hours.  Tomorrow I will be peeling potatoes and actually cooking the bird.

Handy Latin saying for tomorrow: "Da mihi, amabo, plus solanorum tuberosorum tunsorum et iuris!" (*Pass me some more mashed potatoes and gravy, please!)


1 Melissa Corry said...

The quilt looks awesome!!! Loving it and can't wait to see it all quilted :)

2 Scrap,Quilt, Preach said...

A lovely quilt top. But those pies look very tempting.

3 Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

such a pretty quilt.