Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sweet Tomato, er... Pumpkin Socks

I finished the fourth pair of Stashbuster Spirals socks, and the second using Cat's Sweet Tomato Heel.  Quarta obligingly posed with a little help from the pumpkin we carved with Aunt Beth's pumpkin carving kit.
They fit pretty well across the heel.  Mainly there were three leftover yarns; the orange is my homespun.  She pronounces them "so so comfy." I am now through with the Stashbuster Spirals pattern for awhile and will make a pair of plain socks for Steve.  Ultimately I want to try making argyle socks, but since that will involve intarsia I probably need to work up to it.  Haven't really been clearing much time for knitting recently.
I took Quarta's quilt off the Megaquilter yesterday and here she is sewing a red button/cherry on top of her cupcake.  The binding is attached and she has gotten her lesson in blind hem stitch.  I'm looking forward to sharing it with the blog world when she's finished, but here's a sneak peek.  I'm really proud of the work she did on this, most of it when she was still 8.  Maybe I'll let her read the next Harry Potter book.
Smudge wanted to get in on some of the photo shoot action.

1 comment:

1 Myra said...

Wonderful socks! Something I hope to learn to knit some day soon...

How wonderful to be able to share your craft with Quarta, and even more wonderful that she enjoys the process... 8-)